What’s New?

1. A new book by Peter Edwards was published.  It claims to be the “true story” of the Victorian Super Spy, Henri Le Caron.

2. Our friend and fellow enthusiast, Joe Clark, wrote an article published in the Journal of Illinois History.

3. A canadian armed forces magazine called, Legion, published a nice story about Henri Le Caron in an issue about Spies that helped in the Canadian development.  The article was titled, “The Spymaster and the Master Spy”, by Hugh A. Halliday.

4. A PBS network in Washington D.C. is producing a special on spies, civil war and 20th century history that includes a piece on Henri Le Caron.  History Detectives.

5. Here is a picture of what Henri’s grave site looks like today.  It’s not pretty.  The actual cross was in the weeds and unrecognizable.  It was lifted and propped up for the picture.   Our hope are to raise enough money to save this historic monument.

So what’s New?

2008 was a big year for HLC news.  A new book was written about him, a periodical published, a magazine sold and a PBS Television show included his name on a special.

We will post the articles as soon as we get the OK from the publishers.

Click on each picture for a link to the site where it is available.

There was also a little troubling news in 08.  It seems that the cemetery in London when Henri is buried, is planning on eliminating uncared for grave sites.  The famous, West Norwood Cemetery wants to clear house, in a way, on old abandoned grave sites. They pointed out a section of the grounds for this process.  Mr. Le Caron is included in this section.  His site and stone could be removed.  The only way to stop this is to have the grave site cared for.

To do this, it need to have the headstone fixed or a new one placed, the grounds paid for annually for maintenance, and the records up dated.  We have already started the process on the updating the site, but the we need help to raise the funds to make the rest happen.  If you would like to help save this amazing piece of history, let us know.  We need to do make this happen this year (2009).  Write for more info. Anything will help.  The estimates we are getting to save it are ranging from 5-7 thousand dollars.  This would include a permanent, new/rebuild headstone and plot maintenance for 10 years.




1. In 2010, we was a couple interesting things.  A new book about his life from Peter Edwards.  This is his second book on Henri Le Caron.  Although this is just a reprint of, Delusion, under a new publisher, it’s called, The Infiltrator: Henri Le Caron, the British Spy Inside the Fenian Movement.

  1. 2.We also saw another edition of Henri’s book republished.  This time by, Nabu Press.

3.  We were contacted by a preservation group in London that is interested in Civil War gravesite locations throughout the world.

We saw the return of Henri’s original book, Twenty-Five Years in the Secret Service, The Recollections of a Spy.  Not only one edition, but 3!  This is the first time it’s been republished since the 1920’s.

Rose Press, BiblioBazaar and The University of Michigan Library all released paperback versions.


1. It’s been a slow start to the year.  Nothing new to report or share yet.  We’re still working hard to get the story told.  We’ve been in contact with Producer / Director Patrick Read Johnson.  He made a couple fun movies in this time including Dragonheart, Baby’s Day Out and ’77.  It’s a big challenge to get something made.  Hopefully, with his guidance, we’ll get a little closer.  As always, the main stall is budgets.  If we win the lottery we’ll be on the way much quicker.